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5 Things You Can Do During Syllabus Week

Updated: Jan 7, 2021

By Yousif Alturaihi Aug 20, 2020 Syllabus week is more serious than you might think, with fall semester kickstarting hybrid and online classes, most students are "extending their summer break" and taking fewer steps towards the upcoming fall semester.


And NO, let's not call it sylly week, studies show students who prepare for courses during syllabus three times outperform students who don't.

Below are five tactics vRealm team recommend following for the upcoming fall semester.

Thank us later.

  • First thing first, grab your coffee mug or your hydro flask, turn on your fav playlist, and start writing down your course syllabus dates. We're talking about all your course syllabus dates such as assignments, quizzes, exams and projects. Upload it to your calendar, apple calendar or google calendar can be a great use. Set reminders two weeks ahead of your exams.

  • EMAIL YOUR PROFESSOR CUZ THEIR JOB IS TO REPLY to any question you might have. Emailing your professor would stamp a good impression (first impression matter ya know). Send an acknowledgement email that you have read the syllabus. So, you won't get that (Please refer to the course syllabus email later on the semester) another excellent technique is always clicking "reply to all" to keep a record of the communication channel between you and your professor

  • Don't miss the deadlines, drop the course, withdraw a course. These course deadlines could be crucial in terms of determining if you'd decide to stay in the class or might find another better professor your bud might suggest

  • Is textbook even worth it? Should you buy or rent? There are tons of resources that you can look up before deciding if you should buy or rent a textbook. Some professors require readings that aren't going to be on the course required textbook so choose wisely. On a side note, type in the textbook title on your search engine and add PDF at the end, chances are an online version is available on the internet. Scribd is a great online library that you can access for $8.99 that you can find tons of textbooks and books, and it also gives you the option to download any document that you might need as well

  • DIY approach. In ethics, the DIY strategy is as "Do it yourself". Do it yourself and take the initiative of kickstarting your semester right. And remember!! vRealm team are here to help out :)) Sources: The GW Hatchet, Thehappyarkansan, University of Colorado Boulder

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